
Friday, February 19, 2010

From ‘Generation M’ to ‘Generation M2'

Listening ‘Bad Romance’ on ipod, while playing ‘GTA IV’ on Xbox, is simply amazing. Do you feel the same? Then you’re generation M2. You enjoy texting on your cell phone, while watching American idol then you're generation M2 again as explained by a recent study by Kaiser Foundation.

Kaiser Family Foundation declared detailed results of their national survey on generation M2 last week, in a report entitled “Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds”. Young guns in this age span spent their maximum time of the day with medias like, television, video games, PC and internet, mobile and iphones, ipods, apart from slipping probably.

Compared Generation M spending 6 hours 23 minutes of average media usage in 2004, generation M2 spends 7 hours and 38 minutes with media in 2009. With access of more than one media at a time, young people actually pack 10 hours and 45 minutes of media usage into 7.5 hours.

Advances in mobile and online media are fuelling these changes. Compared to 2004, in 2009 use of audio media/music increased by average 47 minutes per day, tv content by 38 minutes, computers by 27 minutes, video games by 24 minutes, no change in movies and decrease of 5 minutes in print media usage. Two additions to the online media are social networking sites (average spending 22 minutes) and YouTube (15 minutes average spending).

This upgrade was also attributed to increased ownership of iPods, cell phones and computers as well as home and wireless internet. However, social part of survey is not discouraging. More than half of the high end media users secured ‘A’ grade in their academics. 91% of them have large number of friends and 84% goes along well with their parents.

Source : Kaiser Family Foundation
Tags : kaiser family foundation, generation m2, ipod, Entertainment, Interesting, Tech, IPhone, Ipad, generation m2, generation m2, generation m2