
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

One More iPhone 4G found in Vietnam - What is Apple doing ?

Everyone of you are aware how Gizmodo found a Next Generation iPhone a month back. Recently, one more such iPhone has been reportedly found and pictures and Videos were uploaded on Vietnamese site

Apple has been known for keeping its next release under tight security in the past. Nobody ever saw an iPad before it was announced by Apple. But this time Apple has failed to keep the secret with the new iPhone. Some are calling it a new publicity stunt by Apple. I completely disagree with that as Apple doesn't needs such publicity.

Dissection of New iPhone

The Images and the Video which you see here are much similar to the iPhone prototype found by Gizmodo last month. This iPhone was also turned on and displayed a fireball on the top left. There are chances of this device to be fake but you will not think that after looking at the Video.

Leave comments what you liked about the new iPhone.

Source : MacRumors