
Monday, January 25, 2010

Chinese Government : No Involvement in Google Cyber Attacks (Hackings) - New Mashable

Google Inc.

BEIJING - China denied involvement in Internet Hacking attacks and defended its online censorship as lawful and necessary Monday after the USA asked Beijing to investigate a computer attack against US Giant Google.

An unknown Chinese spokesperson form the IT Department said
“Accusation that the Chinese government participated in (any) cyberattack, either in an explicit or inexplicit way, is groundless and aims to denigrate China.” The spokesperson also stated that “China’s policy on Internet safety is transparent and consistent.”

Xinhua cited the State Council, China's Cabinet, as criticizing what it called interference in the country's domestic affairs. "We have been hoping that Google will contact us so that we could have details on this issue and provide them help if necessary," Zhou Yonglin, the team's deputy chief of operations, said in an interview with Xinhua posted on the team's Web site.

But China is still suspicious. It took China 11 long days to come out and say that they were not involved in the cyber attacks on Google after google accused chinese government and Baidu for such attacks on Jan 12.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has criticized the censorship of cyberspace which also faced a strong counterattack from China. The Foreign Ministry on Friday said her remarks damaged bilateral relations, while a Chinese state newspaper said Washington was imposing "information imperialism" on China.

Google has not yet stopped censoring search results on, but Google chief executive Eric Schmidt said Thursday it will happen soon.
"We continue to follow their laws, we continue to offer censored results. But in a reasonably short time from now we will be making some changes there," Schmidt said.

Google says it remains optimistic that it can convince China's ruling party to loosen restrictions and censorship on the Internet, so it can continue business in China. Chinese government has given no indication of it willing to change its policies.

It seems like this issue is not going tobe resolved sooner and we will be getting interesting political and business news for a long time.

Source : AFP